With more than 20 years of experience, Pure Green Cosmetics is a pioneer in the fields of natural cosmetics. During this time, Pure Green invented more than a thousand formulas for the care of the human body. Pure Green develops, produces and distributes plant-based natural cosmetics that are certified or certifiable. Pure Green combines traditional knowledge of the effects of plants with modern science. One can find our products in cosmetics stores, retail stores, hotels, SPAs, nature-concious hotels, motels as well as cosmetic studios.
Pure Green is the biggest producer of natural cosmetics in Austria.
Contrary to most other manufacturers, Pure Green’s product range is exclusively based on plant-based cosmetics and is not conventional or “a little bit green”.
The development and production process of Pure Green meets the highest standards in cosmetics. The complete operation and thus all processes are certified according to the IFS-HPC standard with an achieved quality value of approx. 98%. Pure Green carries the Austria Bio-Garantie seal, has positive audits according to COSMOS and NATRUE standards and is a member of the Vegan Society and PETA.
Pure Green Cosmetics GmbH sees itself as a purist in the best sense.
Pure Green Cosmetics GmbH │ Gewerbepark 17 │ 6426 Roppen │ Austria
T: +43 5417 20127 │ F: +43 5417 20127-30│
VAT: ATU31165100│ Company registration number: FN54393s
Place of fulfillment and jurisdiction: A-6020 LG Innsbruck
PURPOSE: Manufacture of natural cosmetics
Responsable for the content: Mag. Werner Murr, CEO
© Pure Green Cosmetics GmbH
The duplication, editing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respective author or creator.
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Pure Green GmbH
Gerwerbepark 17 ,
6426 Roppen,
Unternehmensgegenstand: Herstellung und Handel von Naturkosmetik
UID-Nummer: ATU31165100
Firmenbuchnummer: FN54393s
Firmenbuchgericht: LG Innsbruck
Firmensitz: Roppen
Tel.: +43 5417 20127-0
Fax: +43 5417 20127-30
Mag. Werner Murr
Quelle: Erstellt mit dem Impressum Generator von
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